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French Trip 2017

The annual MFL trip to Normandy departed from school around midnight on Thursday 25th May. Majority of the coach tucked themselves up and fell asleep as we started our long journey down to Dover to catch the ferry across the English Channel to Calais. From there we headed to our PGL site via a stop for lunch in the hot French sunshine. After arriving and having dinner at Chateau du Tertre, we participated in our first activity - crêpe making. Our second day day started off with a visit to the local market to buy food with 20 euros to create our own 'lunchtime dish'. Prizes were given for the most nutritious, best presentation and value for money - can you guess which team won which prize? In the afternoon we got our safety gear on and built our rafts to go down the river...unfortunately nearly all of us fell in! It was a nice cool down after a hot day. We then quickly got dressed and had our evening meal, as in the evening we had our own campfire complete with singing, dancing, guitar playing and marshmallows. Our last day consisted of completing a treasure hunt where we had to answer several questions about monuments around the town (there may have been some friendly competition going on - Mr Reed hiding the sign on the bridge...). We then visited a farm where Mr Karasz interpreted and explained all about the farming process, we got to meet lots of different animals - cow, chickens, rabbits and even a goat. In the afternoon, some students went abseiling whilst the rest enjoyed the free time and the sunshine. During the evening, we played some games with a Frisbee, danced in the disco or spent some quality time with our friends and teachers. The next morning we were up bright and early to get all our suitcases on the coach and make our return journey back to school, arriving just after midnight on Monday 29th May. 


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