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Geography Field Trip

On Wednesday 4th April forty-five year 11 and ten year 10 students travelled to LLanwrst in North Wales for a geography field trip. The aim of the trip was to develop our geography skills in preparation for our geography GCSE, especially focusing on coasts, rivers and fieldwork.

On the first day of the trip, we travelled to Criccieth, a coastal resort in north Wales. Whilst in Criccieth, we observed different coastal defences that lined the beach that protect Criccieth from coastal erosion. We also learnt about sediment transportation processes such as longshore drift. A highlight of the day was all of the students demonstrating this process on the beach!

The following day, fully equipped with our waterproof gear, we visited the River Conway. We used different types of equipment to collect data from sites along the river from upstream to downstream on the velocity, width and depth of the river. All students got stuck in and most of us went into the river!

The trip was a brilliant experience and it was great to explore a new area of the UK.

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