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Hot Chocolate Enterprise

As part of their Aspire Curriculum this half term, Miss Cook’s Year 8 form have been planning an Enterprise Project to raise money for Brainhouse Academy. Their first session was a presentation from Mr Heaps about his visit to the school in Kenya, highlighting what an important cause it was. Pupils then set to work planning a project which they thought could raise the most money. Plenty of ideas were thrown around: from a concert, to bingo, to throwing sponges at teachers! After pitching their different ideas to each other ‘Dragon’s Den style’, pupils decided on a hot chocolate enterprise. They then spent the next three sessions working in subgroups focused on Finance, Branding, Marketing and Production - all overseen by the Project Managers Khayson, Tanaka, Kimberley and Victoria. In the last week of half term, posters were plastered around the school by Joell, Al Betel and Immanuel, and Miss Cook had purchased a huge range of ingredients (as instructed by Haleema and Fahma). The hot chocolate enterprise was a huge success and we raised £80 for Brainhouse. Well done to all involved.

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