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Sports Day Festival

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

After weeks of planning and hard work from staff and pupils alike, MCA celebrated it’s very first Sports Day festival on Friday 12th July. Unlike previous years, the day was a combined effort from all of the Pot 3 subjects, including creative arts, food and technology. Many late nights and a very early start allowed the magic of the festival to take shape and the event was undoubtedly a success.

The day started with a tangible buzz around the academy, as pupils arrived ready to spend the day in their house teams. Glitter and face paint sparkled from the excited faces of supporters and competitors, as the teams prepared to enter the arena. Once inside, pupils were overwhelmed with the choice of activities on offer and simply did not know where to begin. From speed drawing and interactive quizzes to face painting and samba, the atmosphere created by the different events on offer provided a springboard for the competitors to begin their events.

Sport and participation was a main feature of the day, with students competing in both field and track events. The running of a Mini Olympics event also allowed non-competitors to be involved in what has been dubbed “the most inclusive sports day event witnessed by staff”; everyone had the opportunity to contribute and be celebrated. It was not only pupils participating in the events either, as numerous members of staff exchanged their shirt and tie for a pair of trainers, competing in a variety of events and challenging pupils in the spirit of the day. The PE staff can not go unmentioned as they facilitated the different events, as well as the smooth transition between the different elements of the day.

Despite a rainy interval, the enthusiasm of the DJ tent managed to keep pupils enthused as they continued to run, jump, throw and even dance in the downpour. Others took the opportunity to visit the food stalls, in which pupils could exchange vouchers for a range of delicious delicacies prepared by students at school. It wasn’t long however, before the sun came back and suddenly the ice cream van and drinks stations were bustling with activity and pupils cooled down on refreshing treats.

The day concluded with the revealing of the results, in which pupils and staff first gathered to watch the final event. The relay races were run in front of an ecstatic crowd, as pupils and staff cheered on their house representatives. The drama of a close finish saw the audience on their feet as the final races included a staff team battle against the year 10 competitors. No one could deny the incredible amount of talent on show from the MCA pupils, and the unwavering support from their peers that willed them on through the finish line.

The results were eagerly anticipated and pupils waited with bated breath as Olympic House were crowned the overall winners of Sports Day 2019. Whilst the competitors from Olympic were invited onto the podium to celebrate, staff took this moment to reflect on the real winner of the event, which was every single pupil that was able to experience and take part in the day. The bar has been set extremely high for future events, and if this year is anything to go on, we can expect some tremendous happenings for the coming years at MCA.

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