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Teens and Toddlers

Some of our Y10 students are currently participating in the Teens and Toddlers programme. Students are matched with a nursery child and form a mutually beneficial mentoring relationship - nursery children further develop their language and socio-emotional skills, whilst teens will build on their confidence, self-esteem and interpersonal skills.

Students work towards an NCFE Level 1 Award in Interpersonal Skills and will cover topics such as job skills and life planning, mentoring a child, and contributing to the local community.

So far, the group have discussed and learnt about:

professional boundaries and professional conduct within a work setting (nursery)

how to act as a positive role model to others (peers and nursery children)

qualities required for positive relationships such as empathy, respect and honesty

the value of volunteering and contributing to the local community (1 hour spent each week mentoring a child in the nursery)

In the students first session at the nursery, they conducted themselves in a professional manner and positively represented MCA. They all thoroughly enjoyed their first experience in the nursery and this was clearly represented through their facial expressions.

On return to the high school, students reflected upon their experience verbally and also through journal writing.

We are very proud of the work students have completed so far. All students have been respectful and have engaged in all topics of discussion. We look forward to see their continued growth in personal and social development.

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