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Updated: Apr 26, 2021

We are so excited to be able to share with you that back in June, we were awarded national Research School status. Following a thorough application process we were selected as one of 10 new research schools to join the existing 22 that form part of the Research School Network. As a Research School, we will share what we know about putting research into practice, and support schools to make better use of evidence so that it has an impact in classrooms, therefore improving the experiences and outcomes for young people. Part of this work will be ensuring that research shapes what we do at Manchester Communication Academy and part of the work  will be to develop a programme of support to ensure all schools have access to the evidence-based resources, training, and networks that make a difference in the classroom.

This is such an exciting next chapter for the Academy and we will keep you updated with all the developments as they take place. 

More information can be found in the Education Endowment Foundations website:

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